SENIOR WARDEN NOTES It is difficult to believe that by the time all of you are reading this that we will be closing in on the end of Summer. It has been a very busy Summer for myself, your Vestry, and our church secretary, who have all been working hard “behind the scenes” to keep …
As I write this piece in mid-July I feel that we at St. Paul’s are in the midst of a transition, just as we have been many times before. Life is full of transitions and they can often be quite positive. I think that transitions often force us to grow stronger and more resilient, plus …
Dear Friends, This will be my final article to you as your Priest. As I announced at the first of June, I have accepted a call to be Interim Rector at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Ann Arbor, Michigan. I couldn’t tell you where then, but now all the paperwork is signed and the word …
Hello Friends, As I write this, I’m preparing for our celebration of the Feast of the Ascension. This major feastday doesn’t get a lot of attention these days, because it always falls on a Thursday. The opening chapterof the Acts of the Apostles sets the timeline. Forty days after the resurrection, Luke tells us, Jesus …
Dear Friends, As you may know, in November, 2020, our then-Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Thomas Breidenthal, retired after a serious illness, during which time he admitted that he was addicted to alcohol. Upon his retirement, the Standing Committee of the diocese assumed ecclesiastical authority according to the Constitution and Canons of The Episcopal Church On …
Dear Friends, After the attacks of September 11, 2001, my church joined with leaders and members of a nearby synagogue and a mosque to discuss ways to live together. During those discussions, many similarities of belief, and some obvious differences, came out. One evening, during a Bible Study session the rabbi remarked, “Jewish faith can …
Dear Friends, It’s late on the last Wednesday of February. Snow flurries are in the air, but then, tomorrow isThursday, and that seems to be their regular schedule this year. I have a question for you, and I hope wecan all help each other understand what we might need as we share our answers. Do …
When I was in college, a local television station began giving out umbrellas to those who calledand answered a question, or to those who showed up at a publicity event. When unfolded, the umbrel-la stated in large letters, “Tony said it would rain,” along with the station’s logo. I never got one of those umbrellas, …
WHAT’S NEXT? A new year is upon us, and like every new year, we make plans, we have expectations, wecelebrate having gotten through the previous one, and we often hope that this new beginning will notbring too many unexpected changes. So, how’s that working for you? We’ve just celebrated the Nativity of Jesus. During Advent, …
Several years ago, while working as a hospital chaplain, December came around and thehospital auxiliary frantically made sure as many places as possible were covered by some sort ofdecoration. Now, I’m not much into that sort of thing. I’ve often said that my decorations forChristmas consist of the possibility of putting a red cloth on …