SENIOR WARDEN NOTES January will be another full month for us at St. Paul’s. We will have two Holy Eucharist services and two Liturgy of the Word services. We will also have our Annual Meeting and Carry In on Sunday, January 26. We do have one Vestry opening and volunteers are welcome. Please plan to …
SENIOR WARDEN NOTES How would Jesus like for us to celebrate December, the month of his birth? I cannot speak for him, of course, but I have a few ideas based on his teachings. He might enjoy a few of the fun things this month, such as Christmas cookies and get-togethers, but I believe that …
SENIOR WARDEN NOTES November is upon us and it promises to be a month of blessings and spiritual growth. We will have 2 Holy Eucharist services and 2 Liturgy of the Word services this month. Also, November is our Stewardship month. This is a time to reflect on our many blessings in gratitude as we …
Dear People of God in the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio As people of God, we know that our words matter. Our stories matter. In our baptism, we promise to proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ, and to respect the dignity of every person. When we go into the …
SENIOR WARDEN NOTES It is hard to believe that I am already writing the September column as the summer seemed to fly by as usual! It is now time for us to focus on the Fall season here at St. Paul’s. This column is shorter this month due to my schedule. We will have 2 …
SENIOR WARDEN NOTES Hello to everyone and I hope that you have been enjoying these summer days. Hopefully you have been able to take some vacation time or will soon do so. Summer is also a great time to catch up with family and friends. All of this nourishes our souls and “recharges” us. Our …
SENIOR WARDEN NOTES July is upon us already and we have a lot going on at St. Paul’s. We will have 2 Holy Eucharist services and 2 Liturgy of the Word services in July. We continue to have lovely services with meaningful plus educational meditations and sermons. We also have good fellowship every time, even …
SENIOR WARDEN NOTES June will be here by the time that you are reading this and it will be another full month at St. Paul’s. We will have 2 Liturgy of the Word services and 3 Holy Eucharist services. The Holy Eucharist service on June 30th will include a visit from our new Bishop, The …
SENIOR WARDEN NOTES I am including 2 important articles in place of my regular column this month. We had a parish meeting on March 3, 2024 re: a possible Shared Ministry with another Episcopal Church and I thank everyone who attended. Rachel Grilliot, Vestry Clerk, wrote up a very good summary and that is included …
SENIOR WARDEN NOTES The church season of Lent will continue all this month. Holy Week will begin on Palm Sunday, March 24th, and will continue through Good Friday, March 29th, and Easter Sunday, March 31st. We will celebrate Holy Eucharist on 4 Sundays this month. Also, we will have Liturgy of the Word on 1 …