November is upon us and it promises to be a month of blessings and spiritual growth as we continue to move forward in our time of transition. We will have one Liturgy of the Word Service and three Holy Eucharist Services this month with the third one falling on November 27, the first Sunday of Advent. Also, November is our Stewardship month and our United Thank Offering in-gathering will be on November 20.
This is a time to reflect on our many blessings in gratitude as we also look at ways that we can care for and love others as our Christian faith requires of us. It is also a time to reflect on the importance of our beloved St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in our lives and a time to think of ways that we can share our faith more with others while inviting them into our church family. This would be a great time to invite a friend or family member to visit St. Paul’s with you this month. They just might find a spiritual home and church family! All are welcome at our church and we have so much to share with others. Let us begin this month with hope and love in our hearts as we learn to share that love more with others around us just as Jesus always taught during his lifetime. Looking forward to seeing all of you in November!
Kim Bohler, Senior Warden
Click here for the November Epistle