SENIOR WARDEN NOTES The church season of Lent will continue all this month. Holy Week will begin on Palm Sunday, March 24th, and will continue through Good Friday, March 29th, and Easter Sunday, March 31st. We will celebrate Holy Eucharist on 4 Sundays this month. Also, we will have Liturgy of the Word on 1 …
SENIOR WARDEN NOTES February has arrived and we will have another full month at St. Paul’s. We will have Holy Eucharist on 3 Sundays this month. Also, it is hard to believe but it will be time for Ash Wednesday on February 14th as well as the beginning of Lent. We will hopefully have a …
SENIOR WARDEN NOTES January will be another full month for us at St. Paul’s. Epiphany is on January 6th and it is the commemoration of the visit of the Magi to the infant Jesus. We will have Holy Eucharist on 3 Sundays this month and we will see a familiar face when Rev. Charlie Brumbaugh …
SENIOR WARDEN NOTES December has arrived and it always makes me think of the lovely Christmas hymn “In the Bleak Midwinter” with its verses about frosty wind, snow on snow, and so on. The hymn becomes quite joyful, however, with the birth of the infant Jesus. As the hymn goes, Mary worships her beloved child …
UPDATE: The concert is cancelled Mark your calendars for December 3, 2023, at 5:00 p.m.! St. Paul’s Episcopal will have a joyful holiday concert with sounds of the season. There will be selections by singers, also organ music, accordion, trumpet, flute, and even a few short hymns for everyone to sing. Something for everyone, hope …
SENIOR WARDEN NOTES November is upon us and it promises to be a month of blessings and spiritual growth. We will have 2 Holy Eucharist services and 2 Liturgy of the Word services this month. Also, November is our Stewardship month. This is a time to reflect on our many blessings in gratitude as we …
SENIOR WARDEN NOTES I have now written this column for the past 14 months while we have been without a Priest. I am choosing to take a break with the column due to time considerations until the November Epistle. I am continuing to work along with your Vestry members and the Interview Committee in looking …
SENIOR WARDEN NOTES It is hard to believe that I am writing the September column already. Where did the summer go?! It is now time for us to focus on the Fall season here at St. Paul’s. This column will be shorter due to an earlier September Epistle deadline and other obligations. We will have …
SENIOR WARDEN NOTES Hello to everyone and I hope that you have been enjoying these summer days. Hopefully you have been able to take some vacation time or will soon do so. Summer is also a great time to catch up with family and friends. This all nourishes our souls and “re-charges” us. Our services …
SENIOR WARDEN NOTES Hello everyone and I hope that you are enjoying your summer so far. This will be a shortened column this month due to my schedule and many responsibilities right now. We will have 2 Holy Eucharist services and 3 Liturgy of the Word services in July. It has been very difficult to …